Monday, July 14, 2008

Today is the beginning of the rest of my life

I have been in a semi block for about a year. I have only created one finished piece of art work since this time last year. And that one was a painful commission painting, that I thought would help me. I struggled with it, and didn't enjoy the process at all.

I haven't stopped creating totally...Thank God. I still draw almost every day.

I discovered Youtube a few months ago. I have watched over 1500 art videos (am I addicted, or what ....sigh) I think it has helped me out of my block....I hope anyway. I have started an art journal to share. I have always kept an art journal...for my eyes only, so this is new for me.

I have had a few health problems and personal problems in the last year that has contributed to my block also....haven't we all? My personal problems are resolved, still struggling with the health problems, but doing better.

I also let my website expire and haven't kept up with any other computer stuff. So that is the reason for this new blog.

Everyone bear with me.....and hopefully encourage me (pleassssse). I am going to try to post at least a drawing a couple times a week..and hopefully a painting once in awhile.

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